exclude: true --- layout: plog title: "2023-02-06" date: 2023-02-06 exclude: true --- class: middle, center layout: true --- class: middle, center
Ugh hangover. --- class: middle, center
But I still want an early start. --- class: middle, center
The bus up to Cruz del Carmen as a hiking starting point. --- class: middle, center
After visiting the information center I chose the Forest of Enigmas hike. --- class: middle, center
And had a look over La Laguna from Mirador de Zapata. --- class: middle, center
Hangover gets me in the end but Last of Us S01E04 is out so down time is warranted. --- class: middle, center
The afternoon is rainy, not much reason to go out. --- class: middle, center
Dinner with Daniel. --- class: middle, center
Then chess and Uno Flip.