exclude: true --- layout: plog title: "2023-05-18" date: 2023-05-18 exclude: true --- class: middle, center layout: true --- class: middle, center
We have a day to get used to new surroundings --- class: middle, center
This is house dog Mimi --- class: middle, center
We biked to the Instytut Biologii Ssaków (Mammal Research Institute) where Rik is working --- class: middle, center
Bison skeleton --- class: middle, center
Rik works, I pick up lunch and eat it at a watchtower. Weather is not great though. --- class: middle, center
So I rejoin Rik at the institute and do some reading --- class: middle, center
We get the basic birds of the area down on day 1 --- class: middle, center
Then get the basic games down, playing Wingspan and Moomin with roommates Flora and Jesse --- class: middle, center
Dinner time --- class: middle, center
Later, there was a campfire and a chance to meet other people from the institute