exclude: true --- layout: plog title: "2024-08-25" date: 2024-08-25 exclude: true --- class: middle, center layout: true --- class: middle, center
After cleaning the tents we take the yearly group picture --- class: middle, center
Back to the boat 🚢 --- class: middle, center
Oh no! Anne sprains her ankle on the mainland --- class: middle, center
She's unable to step on the clutch but luckily Feija can drive us to Groningen --- class: middle, center
Pain --- class: middle, center
Since I missed my tight connection to Germany anyway, I might as well stay the night and take care of invalid Anne --- class: middle, center
Ik Vertrek with Moor and painful ankle --- class: middle, center
I finish The Art of Fielding (5/5): Hit the spot on so many levels, though it probably helped put me in my solemn mood at Improv Island ([2024-08-23/#4](https://tjkreutz.github.io/plog/2024-08-23/#4)) --- class: middle, center
A strange day but we keep on